Diabetic and Orthopedic Shoe Program

Individuals with diabetes that are at risk of developing skin ulceration along with those individuals that suffer from complex foot deformities can significantly achieve relief from custom extra depth shoe gear. Urban Podiatry will provide custom fittings and order the appropriate shoe gear for each patient’s set of concerns .


Diabetes is a disease that can affect every aspect of the human body. Knowing that, successful management requires a team approach. Podiatrist’s are an integral part of the treatment team in helping screen for foot problems and in helping to prevent lower extremity amputations. The key to diabetic foot complication prevention is early screening, recognition of problems if they exist and comprehensive preventative care performed by a Podiatrist on a regular basis. The majority of diabetic foot problems and complications can be prevented by following a few simple steps. So let us help you begin taking care of your feet today.

Inspect feet daily.

Check your feet and toes every day for cuts, bruises, sores, or changes to the toenails, such as thickening or discoloration. You can use a mirror if you’re unable to see the bottom of your feet. If you notice anything unusual or disconcerning contact a Podiatrist immediately for an appointment.

Wear thick comfortable soft socks.

You should avoid socks with seams that can rub and irritate the skin causing blisters or open sores to develop. It is best to wear lighter colored socks so that if a sore or open wound develops on part of your foot not easily seen you may take notice of something wrong with your foot by seeing blood staining on your sock.

Have new shoes properly measured and fitted.

Foot size and shape may change over time. Shoes that fit properly are very important to individuals with diabetes. You should wear supportive extra depth shoes with ample room for your toes and make sure your heel seats well within the shoe with out slipping. Lace up or velcro strapped shoe gear in general are better that slip-ons, flats or heels.

Don’t go barefoot.

Don’t go without shoes, even in your own home. The risk of cuts and infection is too great for those with diabetes. At minimum you should wear house slippers or good supportive sandals around your home to prevent injuries.

Never try to self treat ingrown nails, calluses or sores.

The sooner a problem is evaluated and treated the easier it is to avoid more complicated problems from developing. Neglect and inexperienced attempts to self treat what may appear to be a simple problem can significantly increase the risk of developing a further complications and serious foot and leg infection.

Potential Diabetes Warning Signs:

  1. Excessive, thirst, appetite or urination
  2. Generalized weakness or easily fatigued
  3. Numbness or tingling sensations in toes, feet or hands
  4. Blurred vision or frequent headaches
  5. Open sores on the feet that are slow to heal
  6. Chronic thick fungal toenails and dry skin
  7. Recurring thick callused fissured skin on heels
  8. Unexplained weight loss (even though you are eating and feel hungry)

Diabetic Shoes and Inserts

Individuals with diabetes and structural deformities are at risk of developing skin ulcerations, which can be significantly reduced with extra depth shoe gear and protective inserts. Urban Podiatry will provide custom fittings and order the appropriate shoe gear for each patient’s individual needs. We have partnered with SureFit to ensure our patients have access to a variety of stylish quality shoes to protect their feet and prevent foot ulcerations.